Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Buku Membuat Web Portal Multibahasa dengan Joomla

_= Sinopsis =_
Usaha pengembangan situs telah menjamur di mana-mana, mulai sejak dari yg sederhan sampai kompleks (Website Portal). Mulai Sejak dari yg cuma teks saja sampai penyediaan menu & feature memakai bermacam macam alat seperti gambar, animasi, sampai video. hal tersebut dilakukan buat menarik visitor sebanyak-banyaknya supaya menikmati kabar yg disajikan.
Lahirnya satu buah software yg bisa menjawab seluruh tantangan tersebut dipicu oleh adanya kepentingan warga dunia yg mau merancang suatu website dengan cara serta-merta, simple, namun mempunyai kekuatan yg powefull. Salah satu software terpopuler disaat ini yakni Joomla Open Source, di mana software tersebut amat sangat memberi dukungan bermacam keperluan utk membangun website mulai sejak dari rancangan sederhana sampai tersedianya media multibahasa bertaraf internasional. Orang tak butuh lagi menciptakan script yg rumit & membutuhkan ketika yg lama cuma sekedar menciptakan suatu situs. Lumayan bersama Joomla!, siapapun dapat merancang situs portal dengan cara segera, impresif & “powerfull”.
_= Synopsis =_
Business development of websites have mushroomed everywhere, ranging from simpler to complex (Web Portal). Ranging from text only to the provision of menus and features using various media such as images, animation, to video. This was done to attract visitors as much as possible in order to enjoy the information presented.
The birth of a software that can answer all these challenges triggered by the needs of the world who want to design a web in a fast, simple, but has the ability powefull. One of today's most popular software are Joomla Open Source, where the software supports a wide range of requirements for building web ranging from simple designs to the availability of multilingual facilities of international standard. People no longer need to create a script that is complicated and takes a long time just to make a website. Enough with Joomla !, a web portal that anyone can design a fast, impressive and "powerful".
Penulis/Author : Slamet Riyanto
Penerbit/Publishers: Slamet Riyanto
Tanggal Terbit/Release : September 1, 2014
Halaman/Page : 61
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Title: Buku Membuat Web Portal Multibahasa dengan Joomla
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