Saturday, January 23, 2016

Novel Koala Kumal

_= Sinopsis =_
Selain main perang-perangan, gue, Dodo, dan Bahri juga suka berjemur di atas mobil tua warna merah yang sering diparkir di pinggir sungai samping kompleks. Formasinya selalu sama: Bahri dan gue tiduran di atap mobil, sedangkan Dodo, seperti biasa, agak terbuang, di atas bagasi. Kadang kami tiduran selama setengah jam. Kadang, kalau cuaca lagi sangat terik, bisa sampai dua jam. Kalau cuacanya lagi sejuk dan tidak terlalu terik, kami biasanya sama-sama menatap ke arah matahari, memandangi langit sambil tiduran. Kalau sudah begini, Bahri menaruh kedua tangannya di belakang kepala, sambil tiduran dia berkata, Rasanya kayak di Miami, ya?'
lya,' jawab gue.
lya,' jawab Dodo.
Kami bertiga gak ada yang pernah ke Miami.
_= Synopsis =_
In addition to playing war, I, Dodo, and Bahri also like sunbathing on the old car red color that is often parked at the side of the river next to the complex. Formation is always the same: Bahri and I lie on the roof of the car, while the Dodo, as usual, somewhat wasted, on the trunk. Sometimes we lie down for half an hour. Sometimes, when the weather is very hot again, could be up to two hours. If the weather is more mild and not too hot, we usually both stared toward the sun, staring at the sky while sleeping. If you have this, Bahri put his hands behind his head, while sleeping he said, feels like in Miami, huh? '
Yes, 'I replied.
Yes, 'replied the Dodo.
The three of us not anyone been to Miami.
Penulis/Author : Raditya Dika
Penerbit/Publishers: GagasMedia
Tanggal Terbit/Release : 17 January 2015
Halaman/Page : 220
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