Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wing Chun: Rahasia Kekuatan Dibalik Kelembutan

Sinopsis ~ Apa sih Wing Chun itu? Di Indonesia, mungkin kepopuleran Wing Chun belumlah sepopuler karate, Tae Kwon Do, atau bahkan Sumo. Masih banyak orang yang belum tahu salah satu bela diri yang termasuk kungfu ini. Adapun mereka yang sudah mengenal Wing Chun dikarenakan mereka belajar secara turun temurun yang diwariskan oleh para warga Tionghoa kepada generasi penerusnya atau karena menonton deretan movie yang full body contact tentang Wing Chun seperti, Ip Man 1 (2008), Ip Man 2 (2009), Ip Man The Legend is Born (2010), Ip Man The Final Fight (2013), Wing Chun (1994) dan Kungfu Wing Chun (2010).
Synopsis ~ Wing Chun ~ What is it? In Indonesia, probably Wing Chun is not yet as popular as the popularity of karate, Tae Kwon Do, or even Sumo. There are still many people who do not know one of the martial arts including this kungfu. As for those who are already familiar with Wing Chun because they learn hereditary inherited by the Chinese people on to future generations or because watching a row of movie that is full body contact of Wing Chun as, Ip Man 1 (2008), Ip Man 2 (2009), ip Man The Legend is Born (2010), ip Man The Final Fight (2013), Wing Chun (1994) and Kung Fu Wing Chun (2010).
Penulis/Author : Yovie Kyu
Penerbit/Publishers: Read The World
Tanggal Terbit/Release : 21 January 2015
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Title: Wing Chun: Rahasia Kekuatan Dibalik Kelembutan
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