Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Buku 100 Resep Bekal Simpel

_= Sinopsis =_
Bingung menyiapkan menu bekal sehari-hari? Bosan dgn penampilan bekal yg begitu-begitu saja? Menciptakan aset itu repot? Pernahkah merasakan yg sama?
Sebenarnya tak repot buat menyiapkan bekal. Tak mesti pula jadi jago masak utk dapat menciptakan bekal yg lezat & sehat dgn penampakan yg menarik. Sebab menu aset pula mampu memakai menu makan sehari-hari idola keluarga.
Buku 100 Resep Bekal Simpel ini menyajikan resep-resep yg tentu dapat jadi pilihan menu bekal pujaan keluarga. Tiap-tiap resep dibuat bersama enteng & segera, rasanya lezat, bergizi, pun dgn penampakan aset yg enteng diikuti.
_= Synopsis =_
Confused prepare the daily lunch menu? Bored with the look of the provision of so-so alone? Provision makes it a hassle? Ever feel the same?
Actually, do not bother to prepare himself. Should not also be a great cook to be able to make a tasty and healthy lunch with an attractive appearance. Because the menu can also use the provision of a daily diet family favorite.
Book 100 Simple Recipes Bekal presents recipes that will surely become a family favorite lunch menu options. Each recipe is made easily and quickly, taste delicious, nutritious, and with the provision that the display is easy to follow.
Penulis/Author : Suryana Maulida
Penerbit/Publishers: AnakKita
Tanggal Terbit/Release : August 1, 2015
Halaman/Page : 97
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Title: Buku 100 Resep Bekal Simpel
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