_= Deskripsi =_
Lantaran Pencipta alam ini membuat dari tiap-tiap spesies individu yg spesial, sempurna, & integral, juga menjadikannya yang merupakan lambang kebanggaan & kesempurnaan spesies tersebut, pasti Dirinya menjadikan sosok teristimewa & sempurna bagi seluruhnya alam bersama manifestasi nama yg paling gede dari Nama-nama-Nya yg mulia. Di antara Ciptaan-Nya mesti ada sosok yg paling sempurna sama seperti nama yg paling akbar di antara Nama-nama-Nya lainnya. Beraneka Kesempurnaan-Nya yg menyebar di alam dikumpulkan terhadap sosok sempurna itu di mana beliau jadi objek Pandangan-Nya.
Sosok itu telah tentu berasal dari makhluk hidup sebab spesies alam yg paling sempurna yakni makhluk hidup. Dulu beliau pasti dari makhluk yg mempunyai perasaan dikarenakan makhluk hidup yg paling sempurna yaitu yg mempunyai perasaan. Dulu, sosok tersebut pasti lah berupa manusia dikarenakan manusia yaitu entitas yg mempunyai potensi tidak terhingga buat naik. Dari sana telah tentu sosok itu ialah Muhammad saw.
_= Description =_
Because the creator of this creates each individual species special, perfect, and integral, as well as making it as a symbol of pride and perfection of the species, He made the figure of special and perfect for all the natural manifestations of the name of the greatest of the names of his noble. Among his creations there must be the most perfect figure as the greatest name among the names of his other. His perfection various scattered in nature collected on the perfect figure where he became the object of his view.
The figure was certainly derived from living as nature's most perfect species are living creatures. Then he would of sentient being as the most perfect living creature is with feelings. Then, these figures must be man because man is an entity that has infinite potential to rise. From there it is definitely a figure that is Muhammad SAW.
Penulis/Author : Bediuzzaman Said NursiPenerbit/Publishers: Risale Press
Tanggal Terbit/Release : February 1, 2014
Halaman/Page : 60
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