_= Sinopsis =_
Ini buku version cuma-cuma dari Antibodi Cinta : Always Berhasil Cinta dan Tidak Lagi Sakit Cinta. Tidak ada yg beda dgn version bayar, kecuali cover bersama tulisan "Now is Free" & ada sekian banyak halaman pengenalan karya dari sandy zeneqy terkini.
Buat yg senang buku ini, telah tau belum ada sekuelnya yg dibuat dalam format novel, merupakan : Antibodi Cinta (Crazy but Romantic Stories). Karya paling baik zeneqy yg terinspirasi dari buku ini. Narasi seru & menyentuh. Selesai membaca kawan-kawan dipastikan senang : )
_= Synopsis =_
This book free version of Antibodies Love: Success Always Love & Pain No Longer Love. Nobody difference with the paid version, except for the cover with the words "Now is Free" and there are several pages sandy zeneqy introduction of the latest works.
For those who like this book, already know there is no sequel made in novel format, namely: Antibody Love (Crazy but Romantic Stories). Zeneqy the best work inspired by this book. Exciting and touching story. Finish reading guaranteed friends like it :)
Penulis/Author : sandy zeneqyPenerbit/Publishers: zeneqy
Tanggal Terbit/Release : January 2, 2015
Halaman/Page : 57
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Title: Novel Antibodi Cinta: Always Sukses Cinta & Tak Lagi Sakit Cinta
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Posted by 9:25 AM
Rating: 100% based on 93 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Posted by 9:25 AM