_= Deskripsi =_
- 1.500 Soal-soal Fresh Update Soal-soalnya Fresh & Update. Dipilih oleh Tentor Senior, bersumber dari soal-soal Ulangan Harian, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS), Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS), Ujian Nasional (UN), dan lain-lain.
- Dibahas Tuntas Oleh Tentor Senior Yang terpenting, tidak hanya kunci jawaban, tetapi soal-soal juga dibahas tuntas oleh Tentor Senior dengan cara yang WoowwSemua soal jadi terasa gampang.
- Rangkuman Materi ala Bimbingan Belajar Setiap awal bab disajikan rangkuman materi yang sangat mudah dibaca dan dipahami alurnya. Materi disajikan simpel dan praktis ala Bimbingan Belajar.
- Penulis Tentor Senior Kimia Tentor Senior adalah Tentor/Pengajar handal yang telah bertahun-tahun menjadi pengajar Kimia. So, pengalaman dan kedalaman ilmunya dijamin sudah level Jagoan.
- Gratis Bimbingan Jarak jauh via Online Hari gini gak bisa kirim email?? Jadul ahh, Bagi kalian yang ingin berkonsultasi, bisa berkorespondensi dengan penulis via email yang disediakan khusus untuk program bimbingan jarak jauh. Ayo bergabung!
- Intermeso.Ice Breaking Orang Pintar. Kadang belajar terus-menerus bikin otak keritingTapi beda dengan buku iniSudah ada obat untuk yang otaknya keriting.hehehe.Dalam buku ini memuat ilustrasi-ilustrasi lucu yang bisa membuat otak jadi lebih segar kembali.. -Bintang Wahyu-
_= Description =_
- Problems 1,500 Fresh Update Problems because Fresh & Updates. Selected by Senior Tentor , sourced from Deuteronomy Daily matters, Middle Semester Exam (UTS), Semester Final Examination (UAS), the National Examination (UN), and others.
- Discussed Completed By Senior Tentor Most importantly, it is not only the key answers, but the questions were fully discussed by the Senior Tentor ,in a way that Wooww ,All questions so it feels easy.
- Summary of Material ala Tutoring The beginning of each chapter is presented a summary of the material is very easy to read and understand the plot. The material presented is simple and practical style Tutoring.
- Writer ,Senior Tentor ,Chemistry Senior Tentor ,is Tentor / Teachers reliable which has for many years been teaching Chemistry. So, the experience and depth of knowledge already guaranteed level ,Stud.
- Free Tutoring Remotely via Online Hari gini can not send email ,Jadul ahh ,For those of you who want to consult, can be corresponded with the author via email reserved for long-distance guidance program. Come join!
- intermezzo ??. ,Ice Breaking Smart People. Sometimes learning is constantly making the brain curly ,But the difference with this book ,There is already a cure for the brain curly ??. ,Hehehe. In this book contains illustrations of funny that can make the brain to be more refreshed ..
Penulis/Author : Carla MaharaniPenerbit/Publishers: DeMedia
Tanggal Terbit/Release : September 1, 2013
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Title: Buku : Big Bank Kimia SMA/MA Kelas 1,2,3: Bank Soal 1500 Soal Kimia yang Fresh Update Dibahas dengan Cara Wow Oleh Tim Tentor Senior
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Posted by 7:47 AM
Rating: 100% based on 93 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Posted by 7:47 AM